MicroSurvey makes software products that make engineering and survey. MicroSurvey, FieldGenius, and MapScenes are registered with the U. Patent and Trademark Office by MicroSurvey Software Inc. Powered by Autodesk Technology, and. FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive data collector in the land surveying market. The most powerful Survey Data Collection software in the world. Code free linework, advanced display with high resolution graphics, easy stakeout, built in. Tell us the best datestopics for online training Fill out our survey, we'll send you a 50 coupon. MicroSurvey will be offering our popular classroom training. We are a family run business focused on serving our customers in the land surveying, engineering, and construction industries. MicroSurvey FieldGenius has the most indepth website of anyone on the market. Their technical support response is almost instant. They have The 6th major FieldGenius upgrade is available immediately from MicroSurvey. Packed with useful features, this release was created with the goal of streamlining. All MicroSurvey installations will allow you to run the program in evaluation mode. Field Genius Software is Contact Us; MicroSurvey has over twenty years of developing them to complete a job because of the advantages FieldGenius. MicroSurvey Software MicroSurvey Software Inc. develops, manufactures and markets a family of specialized computer software for land surveyors, civil MicroSurvey FieldGenius 9 Free Latest Version and Single Link for Windows. It is Also full offline Setup and standalone installer and Compressed Version of MicroSurvey, FieldGenius, OfficeSync, and MapScenes are registered with the U. Patent and Trademark Office by MicroSurvey Software Inc. MicroSurvey describes its Field Genius 2008 data collection software as powerful and productive. After testing it out on a new Allegro MX Field PC from Juniper. Welcome to MicroSurvey Software Inc. Here you will find instructional videos on how to use our products and features. FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive data collection software in the land surveying market. Codefree linework, smart points, and live. MicroSurvey's ActiveSync support automatically connects with FieldGenius to show you all the projects on your device. FieldGenius data collector software including RTK GPS system support, LandXML, Xtreme Graphics, staking to DTM surfaces, real time surface generation with TINs and. is proud to announce the release of MicroSurvey CAD 2018! Packed with support for AutoCAD 2018. dwg files, Esri Shapefiles, Trimble. FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive data collection software in the land surveying market. Codefree linework, smart points, and live. FieldGenius data collector software including RTK GPS system support. Below, you will find a list of instruments with which we have tested and successfully communicated. MicroSurvey, FieldGenius, OfficeSync. We often physically set points on line and need accurate elevations. Both faces need to be measured and averaged to store the MicroSurvey FieldGenius. Connecting a Leica CS15 Controller to a Leica GS14 GNSS Receiver using MicroSurvey FieldGenius December 7, 2012 John Coldrick Jun 13, 2012FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive Data Collector in the Land Surveying market. Code Free Linework, Smart Points and Live. MicroSurvey DC5 Carlson Surveyor MicroSurvey FieldGenius 9 MicroSurvey Point Prep FieldGenius Codefree linework. MicroSurvey, FieldGenius, and MapScenes are registered with the U. Patent and Trademark Office by MicroSurvey Software Inc. Powered by Autodesk Technology, and. Nov 03, 2017hello friends, I have a survey job, performed with Topcon Hiper receiver and DC running fieldgenius, I need to export my vectors with informations. INTRODUCTIONThank you for your interest in FieldGenius the most productive and easytouse data collection software solution ever FieldGenius has evolved into the most powerful and productive data collection software on the land surveying market. Codefree linework, Smart Points and Live. Welcome to the MicroSurvey FieldGenius feedback and ideas forum. This forum is for you to use to offer us feedback about features you would like added or improved.